March 2024: Tax Season is Upon Us
It is the time of year again in which we should start thinking about filing our taxes. They will be due monday, april 15, 2024. There are multiple steps that you must take to correctly file
It is the time of year again in which we should start thinking about filing our taxes. They will be due monday, april 15, 2024. There are multiple steps that you must take to correctly file
As we navigate the rainy season, it is important to be prepared with the knowledge and resources needed to face potential challenges.
As flu season approaches, it is essential to prioritize
your health and well-being. To help you with this, we will
explore several aspects of the flu, recognizing symptoms and
transmissions, exploring preventative measures, and local resources,
with the hope of keeping you safe and healthy this flu season.
In January, California will be seeing an increase in minimum wage that will benefit many of its residents. In this issue of La Voz, we will break down what this change means for you, why it is a positive step, and remind you of your rights as farm workers of California.
As the holiday season approaches, we want to take a moment to celebrate the hardworking farmworkers that play a vital role in our community.
Pesticides are chemicals used on crops to deter and eliminate pests that can damage or kill crops. Pesticides can be very harmful to humans.
Because of recent months of heat
and climatic intensity, it is essential to prepare for more than just high temperatures.
California is currently in the middle of wildfire season—a time when our state has historical seen seasonal occur in California between the months of May and October.
California is now sending $95 million in relief funds to undocumented agricultural workers who experienced hardships and damages during the recent winter and spring storms.
June marks the start of summer, and with summer comes warmer temperatures and a greater risk for heat illness – espcially among farmworkers who spend long hours working outside.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California: Helping Farmworkers for over 50 years.