Through our member agencies, we offer a broad range of services that address the varied requirements of our clientele. Capable and caring agency staff and reciprocal respect and collaboration within the community make it possible for us to fulfill our mission of increasing self-sufficiency and quality of life for California’s farm workers.
We offer educational services including ESL courses, adult and family literacy programs, and GED certifications. Vocational services consist of job placement assistance, vocational education, and employer-based training.
We ensure the availability of social services ranging from housing and transportation assistance to food aid, healthcare, and childcare. Agencies are also able to provide or refer clients to drug rehabilitation, disability care and employment, and other specialized services.
In times of crisis La Cooperativa Campesina de California has secured funding and coordinated efforts to provide services and replacement income to disaster-affected workers and communities.
We also serve as a liason between farmworkers, service agencies, and policymakers, disseminating information about relevant legislation and programs to the rural labor community, then collecting and providing testimony on program effectiveness.
On our website, we maintain a library of directives to assist agencies in understanding and complying with WIA Section 167 regulations and other laws. We regularly make information available to partnering organizations such as Head Start and local Workforce Investment Boards.
In addition, La Cooperativa publishes and distributes a bilingual monthly bulletin under the name “La Voz del Campo” / “Voice of the Fields.” Once a month, Radio Bilingue hosts a Spanish-language program covering the content from the monthly newsletter. Together, the bulletin and broadcast reach 500,000 people statewide.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California: Helping Farmworkers for over 50 years.