As an umbrella organization for California’s five WIA 167-authorized agencies, La Cooperativa Campesina de California performs many administrative and advocacy functions.
We help ensure that government agencies and other collaborators to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of farm worker assistance programs. Additionally, we contribute testimony and recommendations for future programs.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California provides the state’s WIA-authorized agencies with a place to exchange ideas and guidance for better serving their region, create an adaptive network of care that reflects the migrant nature of the farm worker occupation, and ensure statewide compliance with WIA mandates.
Our Board of Directors is composed of the heads of our member agencies and other leaders for farm worker services. By bringing these committed and experienced people together, we achieve the highest level of service for our clientele.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California also operates the state’s only bilingual media channel for farm workers. La Voz del Campo / The Voice of the Fields is distributed via radio and paper bulletin and provides information on accessing programs such as energy benefits, complying with work authorization requirements, and other relevant topics. We also maintain a library of links to other useful websites and agencies.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California: Helping Farmworkers for over 50 years.