Career OneStop: Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Career OneStop provides online tools to help jobseekers, students, and professionals on their path to success.
Migrant Education: The migrant education webpage provides descriptions and contact information for statewide programs and services coordinated by California’s Migrant Education Program.
Office of Migrant Education: Learn about national-level programs administered by the Office of Migrant Education within the Department of Education.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: TESOL International Association’s mission is to advance professional expertise in English language teaching and learning for speakers of other languages worldwide.
Migrant Education Resources: A project of the Department of Education’s Office of Migrant Education, this site collects technology and curricular resources to address the needs of migrant students.
NonProfit Gateway: The goverment center for information on non-profit funding through grants and loans, management and operations guidance, and tax regulations.
California Statistical Abstract: Link to the most recent edition of the California Statistical Abstract, a compilation of data on social, economic, and physical aspects of the State published by the California Department of Finance.
Brookings Institute: This private research institute provides analysis of national-level policy issues including economics, health, and social policy.
California Institute for Rural Studies: This organization is dedicated to social justice and sustainable development in rural California, producing and disseminating research of benefit to both farm workers and farmers.
California Labor Market Information: The EDD promotes California’s economic health by providing information to help people understand California’s economy and make informed labor market choices.
California Center for Rural Policy: The California Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University is a research center committed to informing policy, building community, and promoting the health and well-being of rural people and environments.
Center for Latino Policy Research: Based out of UC Berkeley, the Center for Latino Policy Research addresses questions of interest to seasonal and migrant farm workers and their advocates including immigration, community development, and labor policy.
California Employment Development Department: The California Employment Development Department helps connect job seekers and employers to one another and to additional resources. The site also provides information on unemployment benefits, career training, taxes, and disability.
California Workforce Investment Board: This government board is responsible for assisting the Governor in performing the duties and responsibilities required by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
California Workforce Association: CWA is a collaborative membership-based organization dedicated to advancing workforce excellence in California. Their site provides a directory of Workforce Investment Boards and Career Centers as well as reports and other resources.
U.S. DOL Employment and Training Administration: The Department of Labor provides national-level resources for job seekers and information on unemployment, grants, tax relief and other relevant topics.
CalJOBS Information and Search Center
O*Net, The Occupational Information Network: O*NET is a database that describes occupations in terms of the skills and knowledge required, how the work is performed, and typical work settings. It offers a useful tool to job seekers searching for the right occupational match.
Community Services & Development: CSD partners with a network of private, non-profit and local government community service providers dedicated to helping low-income families achieve and maintain self-sufficiency, meet their home energy needs and reside in housing free from the dangers of lead hazards.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California: Helping Farmworkers for over 50 years.