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This library contains directives detailing policies and procedures for all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) subcontractors.

For your convenience, summaries of each directive are provided. For the complete text, click the directive heading.

29-16 Accrued Expenditures

The purpose of this directive is to provide guidance for the reporting of accrued expenditures by subrecipients.

30-16 Audit Requirements

The purpose of this directive is to update the audit requirements for sub-recipients of La Cooperativa federal grant programs in accordance with he revised Uniform Guidance for Federal Grants issued by the Office of Management and Budget.

31-16 Cost Principles and Allowable Costs

This directive provides guidance regarding the general cost principles and allowable costs for the administration of Federal subawards awarded to subrecipients of La Cooperativa.  It requires that all subrecipients expending La Cooperativa subaward funds shall comply with this guidance.

33-16 Monitoring and Oversight

The purpose of this directive is to provide subrecipients of the La Cooperativa with its policy regarding oversight of its subawards.

34-16 Program Income

The purpose of this directive is to provide subrecipients with policy and procedural guidance for income generated with the use of funds awarded through programs funded by La Cooperativa.

36-16 Records Retention

The purpose of this directive is to provide the La Cooperativa subrecipients and contractors with policy and procedural guidance for provide record retention, maintenance, access, and disposition procedures.

37-16 Uniform Guidance

The purpose of this directive is to provide La Cooperativa subrecipients with information from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which has issued revised guidance for Federal award programs, OMB Uniform Guidance: Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, referred to as the Uniform Guidance.  The revised guidance is a key component of a larger Federal effort to more effectively focus Federal grant resources on improving performance and outcomes while ensuring the financial integrity of taxpayer dollars. By streamlining eight Federal regulations into a single, comprehensive policy guide, the government believes it can better administer grants and other types of financial assistance by decreasing the administrative burden for recipients and reducing the risk of waste, fraud and abuse.

38-16 Conflict of Interest

To establish policy and ensure that La Cooperativa Campesina De California (LCCDC) and its subrecipients administer federal funds in accordance with the guidelines established in the above referenced regulations.

39-16 Debt Collection

The purpose of this directive is to establish procedures and policy by the La Cooperativa Campesina De California (LCCDC), for the recovery of disallowed costs expended under its federally funded programs by any person or entity.

42-17 Glossary of Terms

The terms included in this directive are derived from WIOA applicable Federal and State Directives, laws and regulations.

43-17 Confidential Information

This provides guidance and establishes procedures regarding the process for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Subrecipients to obtain Unemployment Insurance  (UI) claimant information from the Employment Development Department (EDD) for WIOA customers. This Policy applies to all La Cooperativa subrecipients, and is effective immediately.

45-17 Selective Service

Males who are subject to the registration requirements of the Military Selective Service Act must have complied with these requirements to be eligible for participation in WIOA funded programs and services.  Under WIOA Section 189(h), the U.S. Secretary of Labor is required to ensure that each individual participating in a WIOA program, or receiving any assistance under WIOA Title I, has not violated Section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act.  This section requires that every male citizen and every other male residing in the United States must register with Selective Service between their 18th and 26th birthday.

47-19 Participant Self Attestation

The purpose of this directive is to provide guidance on acceptable documentation to verify eligibility of individuals who are enrolled in WIOA National Disaster Dislocated Worker Grants (DWG) based on self attestation due to a natural or man-made disaster such as fire, flood, tornado or eviction from residence resulting in loss of documentation.

48-20 WIOA Grievance and Complaint Resolution Procedures

This Directive provides the policy guidance and establishes the procedures regarding grievances and complaints alleging noncriminal violations of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I requirements. This Directive applies to all La Cooperativa Subrecipients and supersedes La Cooperativa Directive No. 15-09 Directive, Noncriminal and Discrimination Complaints Procedures.

49-20 Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Procedures

This policy provides the guidance and establishes the procedures regarding nondiscrimination and equal opportunity procedures. This policy applies to all La Cooperativa Campesina de California (LCCDC) subrecipients and is effective immediately.

49-20 Nondiscrimination Directive Attachment 1

49-20 Nondiscrimination Directive Attachment 2

49-20 Nondiscrimination Directive Attachment 3

50-20 Supportive Services

This directive provides guidance regarding parameters for granting supportive services to WIOA customers.

51-20 Audit Resolution

This policy provides guidance regarding policy and procedures for the resolution of audit findings and disallowed costs.

52-20 Worker Displacement Prohibition

The purpose of this directive is to communicate federal and State policy and procedures regarding prohibitions against replacing regular employees with WIOA participants, and against infringing on the promotional opportunities of currently employed individuals.

53-20 Recovery of WIOA Tuition and Training Refunds

This policy provides the guidance and establishes the procedures regarding the recovery of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) tuition and training refunds. This policy applies to all La Cooperativa Campesina de California (LCCDC) sub-recipients.

54-20 Limited English Proficiency

This policy provides the guidance and establishes the procedures regarding the prohibition against national origin discrimination as it affects persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).

55-20 Procurement of Goods and Services

The Uniform Guidance provides fiscal and administrative guidance for the administration of the WIOA program, including specific requirements for purchasing goods or services as related to equipment. While the format and wording of the Uniform Guidance and DOL Exceptions vary slightly from OMB’s previous circulars, the intent of the federal government is consistent. The intent is to ensure that purchases of goods or services are approved and performed through fair and open competition.

56-20 On-the-Job Training (OJT) Policy

To define the parameters for using an on the job training option for WIOA eligible participants.

57-20 Guidelines for Dislocated Worker (DW) Eligibility for WIOA Services and Documentation of Case Files

The purpose of this directive is to provide La Cooperativa Campesina de California (LCCDC) sub-recipients funded with Dislocated Worker (DW) funds with guidance for establishing Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I program eligibility.

58-20 Personally Identifiable Information and Other Confidential Information

The purpose of this directive is to provide guidance to La Cooperativa and sub-recipient personnel on the requirements for handling PII and other confidential information and to include a revision to the Release of Information Requirements.

59-20 Salary and Bonus Limitations

This directive provides federal guidance under Public Law 109-234 regarding the implementation of limitations on salary and bonus payments that can be made with funds awarded directly or indirectly from the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL)/Employment and Training Administration (ETA).

60-21 Property Management

The purpose of this directive is to provide subrecipients with policy and procedural guidance for the management of property purchased through programs funded by La Cooperativa.

61-22 Incident Reporting

The purpose of this directive is to inform all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) subrecipients of the requirements and procedures to report criminal activity committed by staff, subrecipients, or program participants and non-criminal complaints, such as mismanagement and waste of funds to La Cooperativa, the California Employment Development Department (EDD) Compliance Review Office (CRO), and the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Inspector General (OIG) and San Francisco Regional Office of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA).