La Cooperativa’s Board of Directors consists of representatives from member agencies and members of the community. The Board supervises a dedicated, full-time staff with offices located on 9th Street in downtown Sacramento.
La Cooperativa’s five member agencies currently operate 66 service centers throughout 31 California counties, offering comprehensive service packages to rural, agricultural regions.
In addition to securing and subcontracting funding to our members, we facilitate inter-agency cooperation and ensure compliance with federal and state grant guidelines.
La Cooperativa’s member agencies operate a range of one-stop centers, mobile service units, and other service access sites throughout California, primarily in agricultural counties.
Together, member agencies provide a job development force of over 500 employees, and combined operational budgets total over $81,000,000.
Because the services offered by La Cooperativa focus on increasing self-sufficiency and protecting farm worker agency, we are able to achieve much higher rates of participation in this traditionally hard-to-reach population.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California: Helping Farmworkers for over 50 years.